Career Coaching For Your Quarterlife Crisis
Are you unsure about your next steps in your career? Are you struggling in your job search? Do you feel stuck in a job you don’t like? Are you trying to decide if you need additional training?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may find it helpful to meet with a career coach, who can work with you to resolve these questions.
This post provides an overview of career coaching.
It is important to resolve career-related stressors sooner rather than later.
Much of our time is spent at work, and if you’re unhappy at work, life can feel very grueling. You may find that your unhappiness at work bleeds into life outside of work, affecting your sense of self, relationships, and social life.
Quarterlifers, in particular, report that they spend a lot of time and energy worrying about their career. Part of what makes career choices stressful for quarterlifers is that, compared to their parents’ generation, they have many more career options to choose from, including non-traditional jobs, non-linear career paths, and entrepreneurial endeavors. The differences between the two generations can make it difficult for quarterlifers to find older role models to help them navigate all of these options. This also makes it harder for parents of quarterlifers to understand the career angst of their adult children.
Career coaching can help you:
- Identify your career goals.
- Achieve your career goals.
- Transition from your current job into a new one.
- Improve your motivation and productivity.
- Deal with difficult people at work.
Here’s how it works…
Your career coach will help you examine these areas of your career:
1) the job you currently have
2) the job you wish you had
3) the job you haven’t yet imagined
For The Job You Currently Have:
For issues in your current job, a career coach can help you:
- Assess the pros and cons of your job.
- Decide whether you can change the stuff you don’t like.
- Deal with difficult people in the workplace.
- Address burnout.
- Improve relationships with colleagues.
- Leave a dead-end job.
- Get recognized for your hard work.
- Request a raise and/or promotion.
- Improve productivity.
- Organize tasks and projects.
- Achieve work-life balance.
For The Job You Wish You Had:
For the job you wish you had, a career coach can help you:
- Identify your current skills and interests.
- Identify areas for professional growth.
- Identify and achieve career goals.
- Increase motivation and drive.
- Make decisions about graduate school/continuing education.
- Leave a job that is no longer working for you.
- Organize an efficient and effective job search.
- Engage in professional networking.
- Adjust to a new job.
For The Job You Haven’t Yet Imagined
For the job you haven’t yet imagined, a career coach can help you:
- Identify your passion(s).
- Face your fears.
- Identify your interests and skills.
- Feel excited about the possibilities.
- Think flexibly and creatively about job options and career paths.
- Develop relationships with mentors.
- Assess your risk tolerance.
- Develop a job search plan.
About the Quarterlife Center (QLC):
Our QLC Counselors specialize in working with individuals and couples in their 20s and 30s in a supportive, caring, confidential setting. We will work with you to help you identify your passions, achieve your goals and thrive in your life.
We offer the following services to clients:
- Individual Counseling
- Couples Counseling
- Premarital Counseling
- Career Coaching
- Perinatal/Postpartum Counseling
If you’d like more information or you’re interested in scheduling an appointment, please contact us.
Registration is currently open for our Career Coaching Workshops.
Click here for details and registration.