Facing a Quarter-life Crisis? Here’s What You Need to Know
The quarter-life crisis is real. It is an identity crisis (experienced by some as an existential crisis) that occurs as a quarter-lifer (in their twenties or thirties) struggles with the transition to adulthood. If you are facing a quarter-life crisis, here are 3 things you need to know.
1) It’s ok not to have life figured out as a quarter-lifer.
If you are unclear about who you want to be and how you want to live your life, try to see this as an opportunity to explore options and experience new adventures. You may feel pressure to have more certainty about where you’re headed in your life, but it’s ok not to have it all figured out–too much certainty can be a bad thing, if it prevents you from taking appropriate risks to grow and move out of your comfort zone.
2) You are not alone.
Often, the quarter-life crisis is exacerbated by a perception that your friends have it all figured out already. You may worry that friends are moving forward with their lives while you’ve gotten stuck. While there are some quarter-lifers who do have clarity, there are many more who are full of questions and looking for answers. In those moments when you feel alone in your struggle, perhaps reaching out to a friend to share your experience would be helpful to both of you.
3) Envy is just information.
Social media is one of the major culprits for sowing envy, as users see their friends’ insta-perfect lives online. Many people criticize this aspect of social media, but we say “Use it!” It can be an important source of information for you, providing cues about what you value and desire for your own life. For example, if you are envious of a friend who has a newborn, explore whether your envy is a sign that you have an unmet need to nurture or mentor others. Or if you envy your friend who is on a solo international trip, maybe you are craving more adventure and/or time alone. Next time you find yourself hating on your friend who is living “her best life,” use your reaction to self-reflect on what you want for YOUR life.
If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment or you’d like more information, please contact us.